

At Restore Counseling Center we offer help identifying and treating common mood issues related to pregnancy and birth. This time period in a Mother’s life is often called the Perinatal period since “Peri” means “around” and “Natal” refers to pregnancy.  People also know of this as postpartum anxiety or depression or the baby blues.  Read more to learn about common mood issues that are common for mothers during this time period, how we treat it, and some online resources including how to assess for it and find additional support.

What Pregnancy-Related Issues Might Affect Me?

Most people are familiar with Postpartum Depression which is a sadness that extends beyond the typical “Baby Blues” that occurs during the two week period following birth.  Pregnancy or Postpartum Depression can also include symptoms of irritability, anger, lack of interest in the baby, changes in eating and sleeping, trouble concentrating, thoughts of hopelessness and sometimes thoughts of harming the baby or yourself. Thoughts of harm to the baby are very scary and unusual to this mom.

Pregnancy or Postpartum Anxiety can include extreme worries or fears, including the health and safety of the baby. Some women have panic attacks and might feel shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, feeling of losing control, numbness and tingling.

Pregnancy or Postpartum Obsessive-Compulsive might include repetitive, upsetting and unwanted thoughts or mental images with perhaps the need to certain things over and over to reduce the anxiety caused by those thoughts. These moms find these thoughts very scary and unusual and are very unlikely to ever act on them.

Postpartum Stress is often caused by a frightening or traumatic childbirth (from the Mom’s perspective). Symptoms might include flashbacks of the trauma with feelings of anxiety and the need to avoid things related to that event.

Postpartum Psychosis might include seeing or hearing voices or images others can’t, feeling very energetic and unable to sleep, believing things that others say are not true and distrusting others around you. This rare illness can be dangerous so it is important to seek help immediately.