Broken. That’s a word that describes the world and the people living within it. We all hurt, feel sad, and struggle with something. As much as we try to cover up and hide, we can’t escape the feeling that things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be. Even if we are able to hide our struggle from everyone else, shame inwardly confronts us at every turn. However, to be human is to experience brokenness, pain, sadness, and shame. As a fellow struggler, I have compassion, empathy, and understanding for those who struggle. I want to help and walk alongside people who struggle and reassure them that it’s okay to not be okay and that there’s hope even in the midst of their unbearable brokenness, pain, sadness, and shame. I believe that people who hurt and struggle need someone who cares and understands them instead of quick fixes and easy answers. There is freedom and healing in simply opening up about our struggles to someone who listens and being met with compassion and empathy. My hope is to provide a safe and supportive environment where people can do that without fear of judgment or shame.
Todd is the Co-Founder/Executive Director of Restore Counseling Center. He grew up in inner-city Philadelphia and while in high school sensed a call to ministry. Through life experiences, specialized training, and the encouragement of his wife and co-founder, God sovereignly re-directed Todd’s life to counsel men and couples who are sexually broken. He received his BS from Lancaster Bible College; MA in Leadership Studies from the Graduate School of Lancaster Bible College; MA in Counseling from Missio Seminary; Certification in Sex Addiction Therapy from MidAmerica Nazarene University; Trauma Healing Certificate from the Trauma Healing Institute, Generational Trauma Training from the Trauma Healing Institute, and Global Trauma Training from the Global Trauma Recovery Institute. Todd is presently working on his Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives from George Fox University. He is also an adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary. In his spare time he loves playing tennis with his wife, Madden football, cycling together with his wife, reading, and eating food! Todd’s passion is to see men who have been trapped in the bondage of sexual sin, relational struggles and self-deception be released by the grace of God and restored to places of honor and leadership in their families, churches, and communities. Todd and his wife, Yvette, live in the Coatesville area and have a blended family of 4 wonderful children, one of which is in heaven, and an adorable granddaughter.