Story. We are the creators of a unique autobiographical story. It may or may not yet be written down or made known to others. Still, it is chronicled inside us, inscribed within our hearts and minds. We are the subjects and the authors of our story. We are subjects because we are the main characters in it. Also, we find ourselves subject to experiences within our story over which we have little or no control. I acknowledge and understand that reality. Thankfully, we are also authors. We construct our stories based on our outlook and what we believe to be true about our environment. Life’s challenges have the capacity to cause us to focus on and magnify the darkest parts of our story. While the dark parts might be dark, my prayer is that I might help individuals work to fully appreciate the bright moments in their story and use its darkest parts as landmarks from which they might measure progress and realize their strengths.
I am a Master’s level social work intern from Coatesville, PA. I am caring, empathetic, and a good listener. My passion for social work is fueled by my helping spirit and my desire to see people grow through their adversity. With Restore, I look forward to learning from others, growing with them, and engaging with the work for which God created me. I believe that solid therapeutic relationships are key for effective therapeutic processes.